Online Music Lessons – The Way Forward
When I teach face to face I am usually limited to the resources I have at hand, especially if I am teaching in the students own home. However this...
Jackson’s Fancy – Traditional Double Jig
Welcome! Today DJPTeaching is bringing you a traditional Irish double jig called Jackson’s Fancy. History Traditional Irish music has a long...
8 Reasons Why Playing Guitar Is Good For Your Mental Health And Well-being
From Strengthening Your Sense Of Well-being To Boosting Your Creativity And Confidence When Music Radar polled some of their guitarist friends on...
Music Theory Introduction
Music Theory Introduction This music theory introduction is the first in a series of blog posts I’ve written to educate interested people in...
Beginner Acoustic Guitar Scales 1
Do I really need scales? Yes, you do need to learn beginner acoustic guitar scales. Okay, let me clarify that by asking you a few questions. Do...
Ain’t No Sunshine – Bill Withers
Learn how to play Ain’t No Sunshine by Bill Withers with this free tutorial and lesson from DJPTeaching! Contact me today on +61 472 630...
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